Friday, March 26, 2010


Let love explode and bring the dead to life
A love so bold to see a revolution come.

Now I'm lost in your freedom this world will over come.

My God's not dead, He's surely alive
And He's living on the inside roarin' like a lion.

Let hope arise and make the darkness hide
My faith is dead I need a resuuection somehow.

Let Heaven roar and fire fall, come shake the ground with the sound of revival.

These lyrics hail from the most recent live DC*B recording on the newest Passion: Awakening CD. Daniel Bashta is the individual who was blessed with these words. The first time I heard these lyrics, my emotions had the same reaction that Miss Shields had to Ralphie's theme during his day dream in A Christmas Story; "shear poetry."

What would love exploding look like, bringing the dead to life, opening people's eyes and ears and hearts to true life. Or hope arising casting out darkness, removing the veil from our eyes and opening out hearts to the glory of God.
My God's not dead, He's surely alive
Our God is not dead and he surely is alive. That line is great in itself, but then the chorus gets better.
He's living on the inside
God is living inside of you and me.  Isn't the holy spirit amazing?  That God can come and live inside of us. Then my favorite part.
roarin' like a lion
I love that imagery. God is inside us, roarin' like a lion, wanting to know and rescue all who have fallen and to be known intimately by everyone. We have the God of the universe, inside of us roaring.  This sounds cheesy, but it's so true. We do not worship a silent, passive God. He is active and vocal, and when we allow him to dwell in us, his presence is unmistakable.

You can listen to it here:

What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. Love it! I just sang this in church a couple Sundays ago. Hope you are doing well, and I'll hopefully see you at Hannah and Matt's wedding!
